Suneeda Maruthiyil


Written by Moira Buffini

Loveplay looks at the varying attitudes towards love and sex over the last two thousand years.  Ten scenes depict various couplings – sexual and romantic, willing and forced, hetero and homosexual, achieved and frustrated, organic and commercial.

The set was a single piece of land that gets built on, destroyed and rebuilt through the different ages of Britain.  Design influences included Bottecelli’s ‘The Birth of Venus’, yin/yang and sun/moon entwined.


other links:  main pageset design / costume design / props / scenic art


Set Description: ellipse-shaped angled thrust stage with raked platform, hidden bed and free-moving door with slanted beam. Signage for each scene made from various materials.

Scenic effects: wood flooring, stone walls, grass verge.



Creative Team: