Suneeda Maruthiyil

Dying For It

Written by Moira Buffini

Based on Nikolai Erdman’s satirical comedy ‘The Suicide’, the adaptation follows the life of Semyon – unemployed, humiliatingly living off the meagre earnings of his wife in the hallway of a cramped apartment.  He further contends with having his mother-in-law, a voyeuristic postman and a tart for neighbours. As his dream of becoming a successful tuba player diminishes, he decides the only decent thing to do is kill himself.  However, as word gets around, he is visited by a number of people urging him to die for their cause.

The multi-level set with four doorways hugged the angular walls of the stage.  One of the dressing room exits was incorporated in the design as well as a large window frame.  Artistic influences included constructivism, communism and the fall of imperialism.


other links:  main pageset design / costume design / props / scenic art


Costume Period: post-revolutionary Russia, late 1920’s


Description of set: steel deck and treads to create constructivism stairwell.  Free standing window and doors (x 4) with architraves to unify.

Paint effects: communist red with blood-red spatter on stairwell.  Crackle-glaze on door frames, painted cracks on doors and window.


Creative Team:

Production Company:

Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts